If you haven’t been paying attention lately, it’s a noisy, crowded world. More than ever before, it’s easy for people to get their message, products or services out in front of the “masses.”

But are the masses even paying attention?

With all the noise and extensive marketing that blankets the business world, more and more evidence seems to prove that business decision-makers are tuning out. Why shouldn’t they? They are literally bombarded with marketing across multiple channels: phone, email, social media, mainstream media, direct mail, SMS and more. It literally never ends. It’s really no surprise that business owners and decision-makers can be overwhelmed, and in many cases, even tune-out completely and just focus on their business.

Let’s say you reach the business owner or decision-maker. Congratulations! You are closer than most professionals get! The problem now becomes this: Is your offering or service really that interesting to the business decision-maker? More than likely, it’s not. Just being brutally honest. I’m not trying to steal anyone’s dreams. Why? Because whether you realize it or not, we have all become commodities. The only true way to become invaluable to a business owner is to add value FIRST and earn, deservedly so, their trust. The problem is, most B2B salespeople don’t get that, or, they get it, but insist on selling the “old” way. It just isn’t working. If you lead a team of B2B sales professionals, or you are one yourself, it’s time for you to get in the game.

Maybe I’m completely wrong. That’s certainly happened before and will happen again, but let’s let the numbers tell us the story.

Recent data tells us that there are around 28 million businesses (est) in the US. That represents about an $18 TRILLION dollar business market. Here is some interesting survey data:

  • About 73% of business owners are willing to change Tax Advisors
  • About 82% of business owners have no dedicated Financial Advisor
  • About 86% of business owners have NO EXIT STRATEGY
  • About 87% of business owners have NO RETIREMENT PLAN
  • About 89% of business owners have NO LEGAL ADVISOR on retainer
  • About 98% of business owners have NO DEDICATED BUSINESS CONSULTANT

and the list goes on..

So what exactly does that tell us? It looks like business owners are looking for professional guidance and value, but they just aren’t getting it. In fact, because of the overwhelming volume and “noise” in the marketplace, many business owners aren’t even listening to the same old approach from professional B2B sale professionals.

If you are struggling with any of the issues referenced in this article, we can certainly help. The Sales Activist was created to be a single-source resource for entrepreneurs and owners looking to improve sales results in their businesses. To find out how to improve sales results in your business and generate true sales momentum, contact us and schedule a FREE IMPACT Sales Strategy Session.

Here is what an entrepreneur recently had to say about their strategy session:

“I took Joe up on his offer for a free strategy session and was blown away by the impact I can make on business just in that short phone call! I have collaborated with several coaches throughout my career and Joe’s insights, direction, and feedback were exponentially more valuable. His commitment to adding value for his clients and not selling himself was immediately apparent. I appreciate his respectful candor and clear tactics, not just giving me an ego boost and fluffy ideas. I can’t wait to see the long-term impact Joe has on my business! Thank you!!”

To schedule your FREE IMPACT Sales Strategy Session, contact us at this link to access our calendar: